New Project: Five Rules for Life logo

I was introduced to the blog "Five Rules for Life" awhile back.  Whether we admit it or not, we all have rules that we live by. They empower us and propel us towards happiness, significance and fulfillment. Jon Andre has created the site, "Five Rules for Life” so people can share and learn from one another what they think is most important when it comes to leading a happy, successful, and fulfilling life.

I was lucky enough to be able to contribute by creating the logo.  It was fun to play around with the "five" element in the logo.  I probably designed 15 different versions before settling with the final logo design.

Visit the site. Read the submissions of others. Share with your friends and family. Then submit your own Five Rules!! I did and here are mine!

1.) Become a life-long learner.
Commit to the process of constant learning and change. Be humble enough to acknowledge your own weaknesses, and be flexible enough to adapt from what you may be accustomed to - otherwise it will deny you the freedom of new possibilities.

2.) The grass is not always greener.
The other side of the hill may appear to be greener than your own, but being there is not the key to happiness. Be grateful for and enjoy the things you have, the people in your life, and where you are on your journey. Appreciate the abundance of good things you have, rather than measure and stockpile all the things you don’t have.

3.) Don’t allow yourself to be chained by possessions.
The world is filled with stuff. Don’t let it get in the way of what is really important to you. When you become chained to stuff, you are no longer leading your life. If you had to give up 90% of your possessions tomorrow to pursue your dream, could you do it effortlessly? If you hesitated, your ability to lead your own life has been weakened by your attachment and attainment of things.

4.) Travel.
At least once a year, try to go someplace you’ve never been before. Experiences shape you as a person, so open your mind to new cultures and adventures. You only have one life so live it to the fullest.

5.) Know when to move on.
After you’ve hit the point of diminishing return, the energy you put in is more than what you get out. Whether it’s from jobs, relationships, friendships, or hobbies - don’t wait until things get stale; by then you’ve waited too long.

I had a hard time narrowing it down to just 5 Rules, so I have 6...and as many of you know, I could probably go up to 100 rules!! :)

6.) Success in life.
Judge your success by what you gave up. If becoming successful meant destroying relationships (personal and/or professional) along the way, the success isn’t justified. Live a good, honorable life so when you get older you can look back and enjoy it all a second time.