New Project: Fight For Fresh Figh Logo

I became involved with Grassroots as a volunteer several years ago. Grassroots helps non-profits gain access to graphic and web designers to help promote and build their brand. Their goal is to adopt 10,000 nonprofit members, and to provide each of them with an average of $10,000 per year worth of services at no charge (for a total savings of $100 million per year!). I would highly recommend any designer to become involved with Grassroots or any similar truly is a wonderful feeling when you are helping others.

My latest project with Grassroots was to design a logo for Alaska Youth for Environmental Action's (AYEA) new campaign: Fighting for Fresh Fish.  AYEA inspires and trains diverse youth leaders to impact environmental issues through community action projects and campaigns; skills training in leadership; environmental education, civic engagement, and community organizing; and green jogs that sustain their communities and future.

The Fighting for Fresh Fish campaign is a group of Alaskan youth fighting to save our Wild Alaska Salmon. They are preparing to launch a statewide campaign to educate Alaskans about the importance of, and threats to, our salmon.Visit their Facebook page here to learn more.

The students sent me a sketch of what they had in mind for a logo, and I tried not to disappoint!

Visit my website and see more of my cool work!